Nearly There

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Let's get physical.

so, i went in, and got myself a physical. some health issues had been bothering me for the last several months, and i figured it was high-time to finally get things taken care of. i went in, and got all checked up, got a perscription for some skin problem, a tetanus shot, and the bad news that i will probably need surgery sometime during the next several years for a hernia. (it's the one that doctors make you turn your head and cough to check) needless to say, "damn". i'm not too distressed about it though, as the doc said that it could cause pain as soon as tomorrow, or it could never give me any trouble. so, my ticking time-bomb of a hernia is a bit of a gamble, but i'm hoping my luck is good for this one.

in other news, this week is busy. classes are expecting alot of me, and all at the same time, and i'm afraid i can't deliver. i've been completely and utterly unproductive, which isn't too unusual, but i'm having a hard time getting off of my butt to actually accomplish goals. my room is my safe-haven for living, but it's becoming my own cage now that i do nothing but hang out and relax in here. i've got to find a new space to study. period.

i got sad today. excess stress only made it worse.

but on a happier note, happy belated anniversary. whoo! 10 months. it's gotten to the point where we've spent just as many together as we've spent apart, and we're looking at spending the next two apart as well. smelly. this happier note just went flat. poo.


Blogger Amanda said...

This time apart will make us value the time we do spend together all the much more. We wont want to waste time fighting, so we will live in harmony happily ever after.

No need for saddness Jamison! Just think of my stinkiness when you're lonely and be glad I'm out of the country.


5:20 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

I'm confused. The "I just crapped my pants and now something doesn't smell right" is cheating on you since I'm crapping/smelling in Ireland and not with you? Jamison, you get jealous of the strangest things.

Think of me when you're applying your butt cream.


5:42 AM  

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