Nearly There

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

She doesn't really conceal anything...

Well, another week, and I'm posting on here more than I am my other one. I guess it's nice to have only one person who actually reads this. With that, thanks for the comment on my cream Amanda.
Found a good monologue tonight, and will show it in class tomorrow. Haven't got it down pat, but when do I ever? I'm going to gauge how people respond tomorrow, and then see if it's truly a keeper for my repertoire.

It's interesting having more money on your credit cards than you have in your bank. Makes me feel all...poor. I guess the college loans will attribute to that general feeling soon enough though. A year from now, and I'm certain that I will be feeling the hurt of the life of a starving actor. Hopefully knowing the people I know will help in getting me a job somewhere. Nothing helps like connections.


Blogger Amanda said...

Sorry about the cream comment Jamison. I could've swore you made some comment about that on the blog. I guess I should re-read before I post.

Now, mind you in a years time you should not be a starving actor, because I will provide you with food. Therefore you will be just an actor. Unless in a years time you get mad at me for disclosing your most intimate secrects and decide to no longer be with me. That would be quite sad for me, but you could possibly keep some secrets that way. Not that I'm condoning breaking up with me so you can lead a private life. But... I love you and I promise not to reveal anything more about you that you might not want people to know. Like how you got an abortion 3 years ago after you discovered you actually had a uterus. No one will know. Kisses!

5:45 PM  

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