Nearly There

Sunday, October 22, 2006

It has been too long...

Well, it's nearing the fun end of October. The end where it gets all cold and snowy, and people dress funny. Tonight, I went to the "Trail of Terror" in Shakopee, and after a 2 1/2 hour wait in a looooong line (with puke from some of the drunkees in line), we went through about 20 minutes of scary maze action. At some points, it was pitch black, and I'd bump into walls, and expect someone to reach out and grab me, but being the first in line, I usually found my way around. All in all, with the whole group of people laughing and screaming, it was a genuinely good time. I'm all cold and sore now from standing all night in the bitter weather, but it was worth it.

Afterwards, made my way to the speakeasy (Trevor's house) for some kareoke fun. I 'sang' "Shook Me All Night Long" (classic), and enjoyed some good company for about an hour. Then, I drove some drunkees home and came back here to get comfortable and warm up, and enjoy the rest of my evening. So far, this weekend has been pretty darn good.

Today, my mom, grandma, and aunt all came up to celebrate my grandmother's (67th?) birthday. I have yet to see my grandma, but my mom and aunt went to lunch with me at grandma's bar and grill. It'll be one of the last time's I'll see my mama for another long while, as she will be moving out to Wyoming next weekend to live with my step-dad while he works hauling lumber. I will really miss her. I think I'll be okay with it until I go home to the empty next, knowing that I will have been one of the few inhabitants of the place over the weeks. Le sigh.

In other news, my brother and his wifey poo have resolved their (latest) stupid argument and Diedre (the wifey) has cancelled her agenda to divorce my brother. (Yeah, they got married less than a month ago) Their relationship is so ca-raaaazy, it makes me happy to know that I will be my neice/nephews escape from the random, and often over-blown arguments. Hopefully I'll be able to help the kid level out a little bit so that he doesn't have a temper like the parents.

More close to home (figuratively speaking), I am really missing my partner in my current relationship. It's nearing our 11th month 'together', and those anniversaries are seeming less important. I sometimes can't fathom that it's been that long, because by the time she gets back from Ireland, we will have spent nearly half of our relationship apart from one-another. For this, I say, "Ballsack." It sucks. I absolutely love and enjoy her company, and often find myself reminiscing of the days when I'd go down the 5 floors to her room just to say "Hi" and plant a nice 'anything but the mouth' (not as dirty as it sounds) kiss on her before class. Despite this bump that I find myself going over again and again, I realize that this time apart will probably give us time to find out who we are apart again. In the first weeks, we were almost a single entity, never seperated. Now, we are several thousands of miles apart, and saying "I love you." out the window every night. ( least I do, but then again, my view overlooks the Mississippi, so I wouldn't mind if she said it to the ceiling, or her pillow, or even if she just thinks it.) In any case, I know that I, personally, will be okay through this all.

This coming week should be interesting as well. I have to work 2 opening nights for 2 different shows this Thursday and Friday. It's going to be about 12 hours of work. Le suck. But, there will be free food. I've got my two monologues selected for my audition coming up on November 4th. Now it just comes down to perfecting them...and picking out what song I want to sing. 2 plays, 1 audition. Sounds win-win to me.



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