Nearly There

Monday, December 18, 2006


So, I figure that not many read this. If you do, you're either creepy, or somehow or another related to my lady-friend. (be it friendship or otherwise) In any case, it's now nearing the end of the weekend before the end of finals. (technically it's Monday morning, but I've yet to sleep) It's been a long while since I've posted here, and I figured it was time for an update.

Finals week is plugging along, and the floor is getting quieter as people are leaving. It's nice to hear some quiet because I won't have to deal with being a CA for nearly a whole month. This will be my final winter break during any sort of education (assuming I don't pick up with grad-school next year), and as such, I'm realizing it will be my last time to truly be a liminal space of "Well, I guess I could get a job to make some money during the break," and, "Mmm...sweet laziness." Obviously, I favor the latter. Especially as it will be my last. All too much I've heard of people getting jobs when they're 14 or 15. I can barely understand that. You've got to take all of the time you can with doing absolutely nothing! There are very few chances to do so once you get out into the real world. (Neglecting retirement of course...but by that point, people are sometimes too used to working that they can seldom sit in silence and cope with doing nothing. Those who can cope with it...usually end up in a home. :c| Such is life, I guess.)

I guess this sort of fits with my identity as a theatre major. However, I look forward to working my butt off, trying to get a job...any job, where I can, when I can, and so long as it pays and gives me an ounce of personal growth, then I'll be doing well and good. (Eesh...lots of conjunctions there.) If anything, I look forward to putting myself through bartending school, trying to find a nice job there that can support my career in acting (for a bit), and have a fun time through it all. That or I could go for something less 'luxurious' and do something a bit more placid. I guess I would take a job that pays well enough and doesn't impede on who I am.

Anyway, it's almost the holidays! My family has recently rethought their decision to have a Christmas following the New Year. I don't think there was much 're-thinking' as much as there was 'Well...everyone else is taking a break for the holidays, so we may as well too.' I'll get to see my dog, my mom, and my step-dad. (Most probably in that order as they greet me.) I am really looking forward to it.

My lady comes back as well! Another excitement! It'll be different around here when she's back. It'll be nice to have a close place to go to to get out of the building. (60-some freshman can get a big nauseating. That and the 'no booze' policy of the building make this place a border-line insane asylum.) I'll also be going on dates, which I am certain will get me out into the community more. I miss going to the movies, that's for certain, and my futon has barely been laid out this year, so hopefully mass cuddling will occur. However, she does 'share' a room with one of her roomies. All that will seperate us will be a thin curtain. That could make for some awkward situations, but us being together was the birth of awkwardness to begin with. We have pictures of her head in my lap at a kareoke bar after all! (She was just tired...or so we tell everyone! MUAHA! really was tired...but still, the pictures are hilarious!)

Anyway, enough on that. I've got one more final and a final performance that friends seem to be fifty-fifty on going to. Despite that, all, if not most, of my theatre friends are going to the show. It makes me realize that I will have my real-life friends, some theatre friends, and some friends that transcend all of those groups. And as long as I don't get taken for granted too much, I will abide them missing some shows here and there. Hopefully I'll be in enough shows for it to make sense that they'd miss some.



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