Nearly There

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Springs Awakening...

I think it was last year that Clair showed me website with songs on it, with one that especially reminded her of me. It's called "First of May" and can be found here. I've listed it as one of my big 'cheer me up' songs. Today was a fairly boring day. I deposited some money from the mommers. It will fund me on my way to Phoenix this coming weekend, which is nice. After that business, I traveled to the espresso expose in dinkytown and had myself an almond earl grey tea. It was delicious. I continued walking around in the nice weather, realizing all too late that I didn't need a coat at all, so I began to pit out a bit. Thankfully, my jacket covered any signs of that. I walked across the walking bridge, deciding to leave the east river flats for another day (perhaps tomorrow), and thinking that the Guthrie was a bit too much of a walk for as late as it was getting. So, I continued on my way, and ended up sitting on a bench outside of the Andersen Library, relaxing by a big obelisk. The view of the Washington Ave. bridge and the Weisman Museum was quite nice on the refreshing afternoon. And tonight, I'm going out for some brews with the guys, which I am really looking forward to after 24 hours in MBH.

I also finished my job application for Admission Possible. It's due by the 26th, and I plan on getting it in the mail tomorrow. Although I still have to acquire an envelope. I'm sure that will work itself out though. Come mid-April, I may know if I'll actually have a job come August. (I usually don't come twice in one sentence. Hooray!) That means that May-August, I will have to set up a stinky-filler job. Which should be entertaining! I'm thinking of waiting tables.


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