Nearly There

Monday, September 25, 2006


I feel like the needy boyfriend back home. I think I mostly just get frustrated from trying to communicate, and experiencing issues with trying to converse. This can be anything ranging from lag issues from talking over the internet that are a constant problem, to random roommate disruptions. I think there are still things that I have to adjust to in this whole long-distance experience. It's something that keeps testing me, and I think that even if it ends up hurting sometimes, I will still end up a better person because of it. (Or so I like to think)

In other news, Acting is looking more do-able every day. Hopefully those who scoff at the idea of acting for a career will be taken aback someday when I make good money on a show somewhere. I don't plan on fame, just a life; a life doing something I enjoy.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


If someone were to call me a work-a-holic, then I sure wish I'd be in rehab by now. This weekend I've been holed up in the building, damaging my knees going down nearly 300 floors of stairs. It's not too rough of a job, but when I actually have to do stuff, it's grueling. At least this weekend was quiet.

Aside from work, I've been very unproductive. I hope tonight will change that. Nothing too much more to report. Still good ol' Minnesota. Maybe someday I'll put up pictures of my view from 12 floors up, overlooking the river. It's glorious to fall asleep to everynight.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Room with a view....

A few minutes before class. The view from the top is quite amazing here. It overlooks the river, and I look out there each night before bed. It's soothing. Everytime I get ready for bed, it seems that once people leave, and I'm al alone, I can't sleep for another hour or so. I read to bide my time until exhaustion takes over, but until then, the cogs in my mind keep clinking away. It's bothersome. I only really created this blog to comment on people's posts. Guess that's kind of changed now. Sweet.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Home alone...

I'm in minn. School is going on. I see people, and enjoy their company, but mostly, I fall asleep, until I get to my room. That's when I wake up, and go a bit insane every night. WHEEEEEEE!